Brazil Campos Das Vertentes – Small Batch Hand Roasted


 Single Estate Coffee 

Sustainable Rain Forest Coffee 

Region: Campos das Vertentes – Minas Gerais
City: Santo Antonio do Amparo
Owner: Jose Newton R Teixeira    Farm: Fazenda Santo Antonio

Process: Pulped  Natural

Certifications – RFA (genuine rainforest coffee) UTZ certified 

Flavour Profile

Bold and full bodied coffee creamy notes of dark chocolate and some caramel sweetness smooth & creamy vanilla mouthfeel with balanced  juicy yellow fruit acidity long sweet & very pleasant aftertaste  delicious overall

Hand Roasted Omni Roast   suitable for most brewing Styles


Aeropress—Espresso—Stovetop-Latte-Flat White- Cold Brew


also suits a number of alternative milk products

all of our coffees are  freshly hand roasted in our Melbourne roastery, buy as beans or we can grind to your preference – select your grind above


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 Single Estate Coffee 

Certifications – RFA (genuine rainforest coffee) UTZ certified 

Sustainable Rain Forest Coffee 

Region: Campos das Vertentes – Minas Gerais
City: Santo Antonio do Amparo
Owner: Jose Newton R Teixeira    Farm: Fazenda Santo Antonio

Process: Pulped  Natural


Flavour Profile

Bold and full bodied coffee creamy notes of dark chocolate and some caramel sweetness smooth & creamy vanilla mouthfeel with balanced  juicy yellow fruit acidity   long sweet & pleasant aftertaste

Hand Roasted Omni Roast   suitable for most brewing Styles


Aeropress—Espresso—Stovetop-Latte-Flat White- Cold Brew


also suits a number of alternative milk products

all of our coffees are  freshly hand roasted in our Melbourne roastery, buy as beans or we can grind to your preference – select your grind above


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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